I boken "The Idea of Communism" lägger Gianni Vattimo ut sina teorier kring en "svag kommunism" (som han kallar det) i punktform. Jag fastnade framförallt för diskussionen kring hur dagens ekonomiska/kapitalistiska kris relaterar till Berlinmurens fall, som ett fortsatt led i metafysikens upplösande. Så här skriver Vattimo:
"5. Soviet communism was a ’metaphysical’ communism because it was a war communism (pitted against counter-revolution, against Hitler, against imperial capitalism). It also had to adopt many models of capitalism, beginning with the ideal of development at all costs, which under Stalin led to the imposition of many restrictions on freedom. (I should make it clear that when I talk about metaphysics, I am referring principally to the term in the Heideggerian sense, that is, as a violent imposition which claims objective evidence: with respect tot truth, the human ideal, the ‘natural’ laws of society, the economy, and so forth.)
6. The present crisis of capitalism perhaps represents a second moment which completes the fall of the Berlin wall. Real capitalism is becoming discredited in the same way that real communism was in 1989. These are two aspects of the same dissolution of metaphysics – that is, of a world centred on capitalist industrialization (parallel and speculative) and on its communist variant. To see these events as aspects of the dissolution of metaphysics – aperspective which may seem overly abstract – is a way to grasp them in their radicalism. Interpreting the fall of the Berlin wall only in terms of a demand for freedom in Eastern Europe, or the recent bail-out of banks and corporations only as a crisis of capital, leads to needless attempts to ‘repair’ the ‘metaphysical’ system in its two main aspects: traditional humanism and technological-industrial capitalism."
(Från artikeln: "Weak Communism?", 2010, s. 205 f.)